About Me

Hi, my name is Suresh Khirwadkar and I'm a 39-year-old doctor with a passion for coding, web development, and technology. When I'm not working at the hospital, you can usually find me experimenting with new programming languages or building websites.

I have pretty eclectic musical tastes and love listening to music while I work on my latest project. I'm particularly interested in artificial intelligence and staying on top of the latest tech trends and innovations.

As a busy father of four kids, I know how precious free time is. I started creating websites and templates as a hobby that I could fit around my job and family commitments. My goal is to make professional-looking websites that anyone can build quickly and easily - no coding expertise required!

Over the years, I got frustrated with the lack of good website templates and confusing, over-complicated templates that are impossible to customize. I wanted to make something better - templates that are designed for simplicity, ease of use, and modularity. My websites and templates are built with busy people like me in mind.

I offer both free and premium website templates and components that anyone can use to build a professional site in just a few clicks. If you like my work, please consider buying me a coffee to help support my web development addiction!

Thank you for stopping by my site. Feel free to look around at my project portfolio and available website templates. If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you!